52.Women are forbidden to have false hair, alter teeth, tattooing or remove facial hair. (Bukhari vol.6, Bk. 60, H. 408).

53.Sex toys in heaven only for men:

"Indeed in Paradise there is a market in which there is no buying nor selling- except for images of men and women. So whenever a man desires an image, he enters it." (Jami at-Tirmidhi, Bk.38, H.2747).

 No sex toys allowed on earth but in heaven you can have enough of that. However, only for men’s comfort and a man can have a man’s sex toy and take pleasure from it (homosexuality is allowed in heaven).

54.Defects in Children is due to defect in sex and its timings.

Muhammad said, O Ali, do not have sex with your wives at the beginning of the month,, and in the middle or the end of the month, because madness and leprosy and foolishness would infect her and her new born baby! (Makarem AL-Akhlaq page 210, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex &Allah, Vol.2, page 79).

Muhammad said, O Ali, do not have sexual intercourse under fruit trees otherwise your son (from that intercourse) would be a criminal and a butcher. (Wasel Al-shia 25557, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, pag 79).

Muhammad said, ‘ O Ali, do not have sexual intercourse in the night of Ad’ha holiday, because if your wife gets pregnant your son would have six fingers or four. (Wasel Al-shia 25557, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, p. 78).

Muhammad said, O Ali do not have sex with your wives in the afternoon because if you made your wife pregnant her son would be cross eyed and Satan gets so happy and excited when he sees someone among the humans that are cross eyed!. (Makarem Al-Akhlaq page 209, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, page 79).

Muhammad said, O Ali, do not talk while you have intercourse, for it is not secure if your wife got pregnant her son might be born being mute! (Makarem Al-Akhlaq , page 209, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, page 79).

Muhammad said, O Ali, do not look during sexual intercourse at your wife’s vagina, for that can cause the child to be blind! (Makarem Al-Akhlaq page 209, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, page 80).

Muhammad said, O Ali, do not have sexual intercourse with your wife with the desire of other women, because I’m afraid if she got pregnant during the sexual intercourse that would cause him to be a homosexual, feminine, mental. (Bihar Al-Anwar volume 100, page 281. As quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, vol. 2, page 80).

55. If no prayer done before sex, Satan will harm child if  it is a female child:

If anyone amongst you intends to go to his wife he should say: In the name of Allah, 0 Allah protect us against Satan and keep away the Satan from the one that you have bestowed upon us, and if He has ordained a male child for them, Satan will never be able to do any harm to him”. (Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Number 3361).

56.If no prayer is done before sex Jinn will have sex with wife:

“When a man has intercourse with his wife and does not name [Allah], the jinn coils around his urethra and has intercourse along with him.." That is the meaning of the saying of the Most High: {whom neither man nor jinn has touched before them} (55:56).

57.Sex with lights on, you get a son cheap in spending:

Muahmmad said: O Ali, don’t have sexual intercourse with your wife when the candle light is on because if you are doing so, your son will be heart blinded and cheap in spending. Makarem Al-Akhlaq book of the wedding night, chapter 4, page 210, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex and Allah, Vol.2, page 81.

58.Standing sex will give a son pissing like a donkey:

Muhammd said: O Ali, don’t have sexual intercourse with your wife when you are standing up for this is the act of donkeys, and if your wife give birth her son would be pissing like donkeys all over. Makarem Al-Akhlaq Book of wedding night, chapter 4, page 210., quoted by Christina Prince, sex and Allah, vol.2, page. 81.

59.Islam allows a husband to lie to his first wife about his second marriage (Fatwa No.99196, date:18-9-2007).  Islam claims to honor women and yet it allows a man to keep his second marriage secret?
