60.A girl should not express her consent verbally for her marriage but through silence.

A virgin should not be married until her consent is sought, and her consent is her silence.”(Sunan Ibn Majah 1871, Bk.9, H. 27).

61. Muslim men will get 72 Houris in heaven. But women get none other than her husband:

“There is no one whom Allah will admit to Paradise but Allah will marry him to seventy-two wives, two from houris and seventy from his inheritance from the people of Hell, all of whom will have desirable front passages and he will have a male member that never becomes flaccid (i.e., soft and limp).’”( Sunan Ibn Majah 4337, Bk.37, H.238).

One would wonder why Allah is so concerned with the sex organs of those in heaven, especially of women, to make it attractive for men so to get them to fight to enter this heaven.  Of the 72 Houris, seventy are brought up from Hell because most women are in Hell and they are purified and made attractive for Muslim men for sex in heaven. Islamic heaven has nothing new which is not available earth. Desirable front passage and rounded breasts of women are the only attracting features there. Some men may already had this type of women here on earth. So, what is there more available in heaven?

“each man in the heaven of Allah would have the power of 100 men, to eat, to drink, sexual intercourse, and sex desire, therefore based on this calculation, our prophet would have the power of 4000(in all of those things).” (Fath al-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of cleaning (Gusil) page 450, as quoted in Sex and Allah, Vol.1, by Christian Prince, p. 41).

Therein are (maidens) restraining their glances whom neither humankind nor the jinn (race) have deflowered before them;(Q.55:56). — Dr. Ghali.

Here Allah is offering virgins to the male Muslims going to heaven. He is offering them virgins because perfection consists in having sex with virgins and these virgins won’t have a prior experience of sex with another man to compare with. These virgins will be virgins even after having sex with the Muslim in heaven. Everything on earth and heaven is oriented toward sex.

Ever Virgins:

‘They said: are you going to have sex in heaven, O messenger of Allah? He replied: yes I swore by the one whom my soul in his hands (Allah) that you will F*** hard and harder ! and when you move from the top of her she will become virgin again’. (Book of Fau’dat Al-Mu’hbeen wa Nuzhat Al-Mushta’qeen Volume 1, p. 253. As quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, p. 133).

Sex with an endless desire: The Messenger of Allah was asked , do people of heaven sleep with women? He said: Yes with a never ending penis and endless vagina and having sex with endless desire.. (Sifat Al-Janah by Ibn Al-Dunia #265, as quoted by Christian Prince, Sex & Allah, Vol.2, p. 133).

Muhammad said: "Indeed, a woman from the wives of the people of Paradise, the whiteness of her shin is visible through seventy garments until her marrow is seen, and that is because Allah, he Exalted, says: As if they are corundum and Marjan. So, as for the corundum, it is a stone that if you were to enter a wire through it, then you polished its cloudiness away, you would surely be able to see it through it."(Jamai at tirmidh, Vol.4, book, 12, Hadith 2533).

62.Heaven is full of forbidden things made legal for Muslims:

‘ ... And young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age; And a full cup (of wine). (Q. 78:33 Al-Hilali & Khan).

Wine is forbidden for Muslims in this world but they get enough of it there. One would wonder why would Allah is God only of men, who takes care to satisfy the lusts of men. [Wonder what will the children do if they get full breasted women for them? They can’t even drink milk from them as these women are virgins!]. So the Islamic heaven is only for full blooded sexually charged men.

It is important to note that these women will be equal in age. Because if they are too young, then they are not approachable (though Muhammad could marry a 6 year old child) and if they are too old they lose their beauty (amongst other things). So the fact that they will be equal in age means their age will not change, they will be the same age throughout time. This indicates their beauty and pleasure will never diminish.
